Monday, September 12, 2011

Magical Movies Monday #9 The Disney movie I like the least

Of course I love Disney, but there is always that one movie that you just don't like as much as the rest. For me that's: Home on the ranch, I just can't get into the story, so this is my least favourite movie. I've tried to watch it again but this movie just doesn't work for me. So what's your least favourite movie?


  1. I never saw that one! Some of the newer movies haven't been too enticing for me to want to see them--with the exception of Tangled of course! Ones like Mars Needs Moms, it just didn't look appealing, like it was more a movie for boys, which I thought John Lassieter was trying to avoid, hence the reason why he revamped Tangled from a different storyline so that it would appeal to both girls AND boys. But Mars Needs Moms looked too much like a "boy" movie.

  2. I know I won't make friends w/ this but I can't stand The Little Mermaid. She sounds like a spoiled, entitled 16 year old with an overly indulgent parent! Definitely my least favourite :)


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